Cruiser Sailing Instructions
CSC Saturday Cruiser Sailing Instructions 2024
Version DRAFT
1. Rules
The Racing will be governed by the racing rules of sailing 2021 - 2024 (RRS), the prescriptions of the ISA and by these sailing instructions.
2. Entries
Eligible boats may be entered by completing registration with the organizing authority, namely Courtown Sailing Club.
3. Notice to Competitors
Notice to competitors will be posted on the notice board located at the steps. A notice of race will be posted at least one hour before the scheduled start time. For up wind races the OOD may conduct a briefing approximately one hour before the scheduled start of the race.
4. Changes in Sailing Instructions
Any changes to the sailing instructions will be posted at least one hour before the start.
5. Schedule of Races
Races are scheduled as per the club calendar. If a Race scheduled on the race calendar is not sailed due to any reason the race will be abandoned.
6. Class Flags
Class 1: Numeral Pennant 1 Class 11: Numeral Pennant 2
7. The Course
7.1 The course to be raced will be posted on the club notice board (steps) at least one hour before the start. The course card lists the pre-designed courses. This course card defines the order in which marks are to be passed, rounding port or starboard. However the OOD may post a custom course at their discression.
7.2 The swim area bordered by the tip of the North Pier and the line of Yellow Buoys extending to the beach is an excluded zone and any boat racing in this area other than for reasons of safety will be disqualified from that race.
8. Marks
Marks A, X, B, D, E, Y, S are Flag Marks, Mark Z is a Yellow special mark , and are positioned approximately as shown on the course chart. An inner limit mark may be set for safety reasons. Any other marks will be described in the race notice.
9. The Start / The Finish
9.1 Races will be started using rule 26
9.2 The start line shall be between the sea gate and the S mark. Or a start line set by the OOD.
9.3 The finish line shall be between the sea gate and the S mark unless the OOD specifies a different finish line.
9.4 As a trial .and in addition to rule 26 The OOD May announce signals 5 . 4 . 1 & Start as close to the time as possible, See 15.1
10. Recalls
10.1 Individual recalls will be signalled by the prompt flying of Code Flag X and the Class Flag(s) accompanied by one sound signal. In accordance with Rule 29.1 The OOD will also signal on vhf CH 8 any offending boats .See 15.1
10.2 General Recalls will be signalled by the prompt flying of the General Recall Flag in conjunction with the Class Flag(s) accompanied by two sound signals.
11. Shortening of Course
When a course is to be shortened, Code Flag S in conjunction with Class Flag(s) will be flown accompanied by 2 sound signals in advance of the leading boat approaching the finish mark. Boats shall finish between that mark and the OOD signal position...In addition it is proposed that a transmission signalling a shortened course will be made by the OOD on
channel 8 when the lead boat is approximately half way along the new final leg. See 15.1
12. Time Limit
12.1 For all races, the time limit will be 3 hours. The unless posted on the race notice. Boats failing to finish 30 minutes after the second boat in her class finishes or within the time limit, whichever is later, will score “Did Not Finish”. This changes rule 35.
12.2 A boat has 30mins from its start time to cross the start line. If it fails to do so it will be counted as "Did Not Start".
13. Protests
13.1 Protests shall be made in accordance with the procedure as laid down in the racing rules of sailing 2021 - 2024 and delivered to the OOD within 30 minutes of the last boat’s recorded finish. Protests will be heard as soon as possible.
13.2 Protests may only be submitted by the racing skipper.
13.3 All protests must be heard by a protest committee of at least, but not limited to three judges, designated by the Cruiser Officer and acceptable to all principal parties.
14. Handicaps, Results and Scoring
14.1 Results for all races will be computed using the club handicap system with a 10% upper and lower limit per race.
14.2 Handicaps will be reviewed after every four races sailed. Handicaps will be reviewed in class X after every four races sailed.
14.3 Trophy Handicaps will be reviewed after every race and will start at Benchmark or adjusted benchmark for new boats.
14.4 Races are scheduled for league`s 1 & 2 of which at least three shall be completed to constitute a series. There will be 1 discard for every four races sailed in a League.
14.5 Trophy races incorporating two legs will be treated as a series with at least one race constituting the series and no discards.
14.6 The low point scoring system, rule A4, will apply, except that that the alteration as described in rule A9 will also apply. Ties will be decided in accordance with rule A7.
15. Radio Communication
15.1 A boat should not make radio transmissions while racing, unless they are specifically about matters of safety. Seeking clarification of OOD broadcasts after the 5 min gun is included in this directive.
16. Safety
16.1 Lifejackets or other personal buoyancy clothing must be worn by all competitors while racing.
16.2 It is recommended that all boats should comply with the 2001 ISA Yacht Safety Equipment requirements for category A.
17. Skippers and Crew ** You are requested to read the explanatory note attached.**
17.1 Competitors who sail more than 4 races on one or multiple boats must be registered club
17.2 Nominated Skippers must be on board for 80% of races competed . Exceptions may be made due to illness, injury etc at the Race Committee's discretion.
17.3 All competitors that sail 4 or more races must register for cruiser racing.
18. Race Entry
18.1 All Skippers or Owners must fill in a race entry form.
18.2 Single race entry requires entry form completed and returned to OOD a minimum of 1hour 15minutes before the race start time.
18.3 Season race entry form must be completed and emailed in to
19. Prizes
19.1 Perpetual Trophies will be presented at the annual CSC prize giving. All trophies are to be stored in the CSC trophy cabinet.
19.2 Trophies can only be won by CSC registered boats.
Mark Positions
(not to scale)
Sea gate
** Note..
Rule 17
It is important that participants in our club activities are signed up members. Apart from possible insurance implications this ensures the viability and continuance of access to low- cost sailing, something Courtown Sailing Club has always valued as one of its primary aims. While the cost of running the club is not directly related to the number of members,
The number of members does impact the finances available to the club and this has a direct bearing on membership fees, mooring fees , club expenses etc.
However the Committee does recognise that some people may want to "come and try it" before making a commitment to join the club and after some discussion it is felt that after four races a participant would know if it’s for them and hopefully continue as full members.
As "Guest participants" are deemed to do so by Invitation of a Skipper , They remain the responsibility of that Skipper for the duration of that event.
If non-members wish to participate in more than four events, they may do so upon payment of 150 euros at which point they would be excused further fees. (These fees do NOT confer club membership) Failure to comply with these requirements will result in the boat being excluded from the results.
It is also expected that all cruiser racing participants that compete in four or more races register for cruiser racing and pay the relevant fee. This can be done as part of club membership renewals or by purchasing a cruiser racing registration from the shop on the CSC website.