2024 Dinghy Calendar

Dates subject to change if deemed necessary.
  • Dinghy sailors should not put to sea whilst engaged in Club activities unless a rescue boat is on station.
  • Dinghy sailors should be aware of the hazardous conditions created whilst leaving/returning to the beach if there is surf. If in doubt, don't go out.
  • Be aware of the dangers associated with pulling launching trolleys across soft sand. Ensure there are sufficient people on hand to help, before attempting to pull the boat up the beach.
  • In the case of single handers; outhauls should not be attached, for double handers the mainsail should not be hoisted - until the boat is at the water’s edge.

Safety Equipment

  • Cruisers should carry safety equipment as recommended by the ISA, on their yacht safety equipment checklist, (see page 20)
  • Dinghies should carry as a minimum a towing line of at least 3 metres length, alternative means of propulsion and where appropriate a bailer.

Upcoming events

There are no up-coming events

https://www.courtownsailingclub.com is the official web address for Courtown Sailing Club.

Courtown Sailing Club's email address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For open Instructor positions, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contact number for Courtown Sailing Club is 089 4941404.