2024 Dinghy Calendar

Dates subject to change if deemed necessary.

Statement of Policy and Intent

  • Courtown Sailing Club (hereafter referred to as "The Club") considers that one of its primary objectives is the achievement and maintenance of a high standard of health and safety on its premises, and in all activities conducted under its jurisdiction.


  • The Club also aims to create a healthy and safe working environment for all its employees, members, contractors, associates and other people who use the Club's premises and equipment or who are involved with the club's activities.


  • The Club will take all reasonably practicable steps to fulfill its responsibility and will pay particular attention to meeting the requirements of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 1989 and all relevant statutory provisions.


  • The Club requires members at all levels to display a positive attitude towards Health and Safety and that all its members abide by the Club Rules and Sailing Instructions.

Upcoming events

There are no up-coming events

Contact number for Courtown Sailing Club is 089 4941404.

Courtown Sailing Club's email address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For open Instructor positions, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

https://www.courtownsailingclub.com is the official web address for Courtown Sailing Club.