All boats and gear are stored at the owner’s risk and the Club accepts no liability/responsibility for loss or damage
Mooring Agreement, April - October
Successful applicants must agree to the following conditions:
● to moor in the position allocated.
● to use the mooring lines provided by the Club and not to use any other lines, floating lines, chains, wires or private anchors – except as may prove necessary in an emergency.
● to indemnify ‘Courtown Sailing Club’ against all claims, expenses, actions, demands and proceedings in respect of any loss, accident or damage to any person, property or thing of any nature whatsoever arising from the mooring of my boat in the position allocated to me by the Club.
● in the interest of safety the club reserves the right to move any vessel and/or gear at its discretion. Boats moved are left entirely at owner’s risk and the club accepts no responsibility for any damage caused.
● to have my vessel insured with adequate Third Party Liability Insurance and against any risk including civil responsibility for the duration of this season to cover damage which may be caused by my boat to any other craft or persons.
● not to use my engine at full throttle within the harbour.
● to use at least three fenders on each side of my boat.
● to adequately pad or cover the propeller and skeg of my outboard when tilted.
● not to pollute the harbour in any way and to abide by all local by laws.
● not to transfer, exchange or loan my mooring or to allow other boats to lie alongside overnight.
● that the committee reserves the right to sub-let any allocated mooring which has not been occupied by the 16th June and thereafter the mooring in question can only be re-acquired if notice is given in writing to the Club secretary seven days in advance.
There is a waiting list for moorings.
Please contact the Moorings Officer, in writing if you want to put your name on the list and before you buy a boat or before you upgrade your boat.
Person in Charge. One person shall be designated in charge of this operation, and must stay on site until the operation is complete or suspend operations until he/she returns.
Area of Operation
- The area of operation includes the harbour area, and shore/road within a 30 metre radius of the pivot of the crane.
- The person in charge will delegate someone to ensure members of the public are kept clear of the area of operation.
- No maintenance work should be carried out on boats within the area of operation.
Danger Area
- The Danger area shall comprise the area under the crane's arc, and will be marked accordingly.
- Only those authorised by the 'Person in Charge' may enter the danger area.
- Trailers should not be brought to the area of operation until such time as advised by the person in charge.
- Trailers should be removed from the area of operation as soon as is practical after lift in/out has taken place.