Courtown Sailing Club was established in 1983. It is a family orientated and vibrant club stretches out over the beautiful sandy beaches. Dinghy racing has grown very popular since the club formed and the season runs from May to September. The “serious” racing takes place on Sunday mornings. Fun Sailing on Friday evenings and Adults Sailing on Friday evenings also. Due to the interest in dinghies the club introduced training for its younger members. This training has proven to be extremely popular and runs over six weeks.
Courtown Sailing Club details:
- Name: Courtown Sailing Club
- Sport: Sailing and Powerboating
- Location: South Pier, Courtown Harbour, Gorey, Wexford Y25 X9D0
- Size: 120+ memberships, (Family, Student, Single)
- Activities: Child Development, Club & Centre Training, Competition, Safeguarding
Courtown Sailing Club is committed to safeguarding children and by working under the guidance of our Safeguarding Policies our staff, both volunteers and employed, working with our young people, throughout the organisation, seek to create a safe environment for young people to grow and develop within sport. The following set of principles are adhered to:
- Importance of childhood - The importance of childhood is understood and valued by everyone involved in our sport.
- Needs of the child - All children’s sport experiences are guided by what is best for children. This means that adults have a basic understanding of the emotional, physical and personal needs of young people.
- Integrity in relationships - Adults interacting with children in sport are in a position of trust and influence. They should always ensure that children are treated with integrity and respect, and the self-esteem of young people is enhanced.
- Fair Play - All children’s sport should be conducted in an atmosphere of fair play. The principles of fair play should always be emphasised, and organisers should give clear guidelines regarding acceptable standards of behaviour.
- Quality atmosphere & ethos - Children’s sport should be conducted in a safe, positive and encouraging atmosphere.
- Competition - Competition is an essential element of sailing and is encouraged in an age appropriate manner. A child centred ethos will help to ensure that competition and specialisation are kept in their appropriate place.
- Equality - All children are valued and treated in an equitable and fair manner regardless of ability, age, gender, religion, social and ethnic background or political persuasion.
This Courtown Sailing Club written Risk Assessment document indicates the areas of potential risk of harm, the likelihood of the risk occurring, and gives the required policy, guidance or process documents require to alleviate these risks. The list of risks identified and procedures to manage these risks are contained in the following categories:
Risk Identified |
Procedure in place to manage risk identified |
Club and Coaching Practices |
Lack of coaching qualification. |
Coach education policy/Recruitment policy. |
Supervision issues. |
Supervision policy/Coach education policy |
Unauthorised photography & recording activities. |
Photography & Use of Images policy |
Behavioural Issues. |
Code of Conduct / Safeguarding 1-2-3/ Complaints & Disciplinary policy. |
Lack of gender balance amongst coaches |
Diversity Policy / Supervision policy. |
No guidance for travelling & away trips |
Travel/Away trip policy / Child Safeguarding Training. |
Lack of adherence with misc procedures in Safeguarding policy. |
Safeguarding Policy / Complaints & disciplinary policy |
Complaints & Discipline |
Lack of awareness of a Complaints & Disciplinary policy. |
Complaints & Disciplinary procedure/policy / Communications procedure. |
Difficulty in raising an issue by child & or parent |
Complaints & Disciplinary procedure/policy / Communications procedure. |
Complaints not being dealt with seriously |
Complaints & Disciplinary procedure/policy. |
Reporting Procedures |
Lack of knowledge of organisational & statutory reporting procedures |
Reporting procedures/policy / Coach Education policy / Code of Conduct/Behaviour. |
No DLP appointed. |
Reporting procedures/policy. |
Concerns of abuse or harm not reported. |
Reporting procedures/policy / Child Safeguarding Training – Level 1-2-3 |
Not clear who YP should talk to or report to. |
Poster with names of CCO, DLP and Mandated person. / Safeguarding Policy Document |
Use of Facilities |
Unauthorised access to designated children’s play & practice areas & to changing rooms, showers, toilets etc….. |
Supervision policy / Coach Education. |
Unauthorised exit from children’s areas. |
Supervision policy / Coach Education. |
Photography, filming or recording in prohibited areas. |
Photography policy and use of devices in private zones. |
Missing or found child on site. |
Missing or found child policy. |
Children sharing facilities with adults e.g. dressing room, showers etc… |
Safeguarding policy. |
Recruitment |
Recruitment of inappropriate people. |
Recruitment policy. |
Lack of clarity on roles. |
Recruitment policy. |
Unqualified or untrained people in role. |
Recruitment policy. |
Communications |
Lack of awareness of ‘risk of harm’ with members and visitors. |
Child Safeguarding Statement / Training Policy. |
No communication of Child Safeguarding Statement of Code of Behaviour to members of visitors. |
Child Safeguarding Statement (display) / Code of Conduct / Coach Charter (distribute). |
Unauthorised photography & recording of activities. |
Photography & Use of Images policy |
Inappropriate use of social media & communications by under 18’s |
Communications policy / Code of conduct |
General Risk of Harm |
Harm not being recognised. |
Safeguarding policy / Child Safeguarding Training Plan |
Harm caused by: |
Safeguarding policy / Child Safeguarding Training Plan |
General behavioural issues. |
Code of Conduct. |
Issues of Bullying. |
Anti-Bullying policy. |
Vetting of staff/volunteers. |
Recruitment policy / Vetting policy. |
Issues of Online Safety |
Social Media / Online Safety policy. |
The Risk Assessment was undertaken on 01 March 2024.
Sue Longmore
Designated Liaison Person
Courtown Sailing Club
Our Child Safeguarding Statement has been developed in line with requirements under the Children First Act 2015 The Children First: National Guidance, Tusla’s Child Safeguarding: A Guide for Policy, Procedure & Practice and Sport Ireland’s Safeguarding Guidance for Children & Young People in Sport.
In addition to our Risk Assessment document described above, there are further procedures that support our intention to safeguard children while they are availing of our activities.
Courtown Sailing Club adheres to the Safeguarding Polies and Procedures outlined by the Sport’s National Governing body, Irish Sailing.
Copies of these policies may be found here.
- Procedures for the management of allegations of abuse or misconduct by staff or volunteers against a child availing of our activities.
- Procedures for the safe recruitment of staff and volunteers to work with children in our activities.
- Procedures for access to child safeguarding training and information, including the identification of the occurrence of harm.
- Procedure for reporting of child protection or welfare concerns to Statutory Authorities.
- Procedure for maintaining a list of the persons in the relevant service who are mandated persons.
Please note that all procedures listed are available on the IS website see address above
The Mandated Person for Courtown Sailing Club is Carol Cooney and may be contacted at
We recognise that implementation is an ongoing process. Courtown Sailing Club is committed to the implementation of this Child Safeguarding Statement and the procedures that support our intention to keep children safe from harm while availing of our activities.
Please note the following:
- That all staff have been furnished with a copy of this statement.
- This statement is available to parents/guardians, the Agency and members of the public on request.
- This statement will be displayed on our website at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and on display on our noticeboard.
This Child Safeguarding Statement will be reviewed by 31st January 2022
Signed: Sue Longmore, Designated Liaison Person, Courtown Sailing Club
Phone : 087 974 4060 Email:
Date: 01-03-2024
For queries on this Child Safeguarding Statement, please contact the above
Cruiser Racing
You may wish to become a member to join one of the sailing crews in Club events, or perhaps to encourage a family member to become involved in the dinghy sailing.
Cruiser races take place from April through to end of September. Wednesday evenings and Saturday afternoons. There is no allocation or right of members to crew on boats, it would be up to you to join a crew willing to sail with you.
Dinghy Courses
It is important to remember that if you intend joining for sailing courses that are held during the summer, children on courses, must be part of a family membership, where it will be encouraged that the whole family become an active part of the club.
Please note that it will be a requirement that a parent gives some contribution of time during the course. It is a club, and this helps us to keep the course fees to a minimum and to provide access to sailing. If you are joining for Dinghy participation, it is a Club, and we generally sail from June through to August on Friday evenings and Sunday mornings.
Other Courses
The club also holds other courses like, First Aid, Powerboat, VHF, and advanced Sailing courses from time to time. These are notified to members though if there are spare places they can be offered generally. If you have an interest, please let us know and we will endeavour to keep you in mind if a place comes up.
Types of membership
- Associate Student 16+ -for club sailing
- Associate single
- Associate Family
You can hold Associate membership for two years at which point you must request to be accepted for Full membership.
All Membership applications must be put to the committee for acceptance.
Any queries please contact us at
Firstly, this is being written for the newer members of the club, or those who are not participating fully and getting the full benefit of being a member of Courtown Sailing Club.
Like many sailing clubs we have two sections. Dinghy’s and Cruisers (moored boats).
With this in mind, and the fact that cruiser members tend to be longer in the club, we will start with the Dinghy section.
Many families join the club wishing to put their children onto a sailing course during the summer. Many turn up for their course and don't reappear until next year, and this is a loss to both the member and the club. There is so much more to do.
The Club is set up to encourage the enjoyment of sailing and provide training in many aspects of the sea. This training is for the whole family to assist during the season, and importantly, be prepared for many situations within and outside the club environment. Dropping Children for their summer course is only part of your membership and below, we will explore some of what is in it for you as a whole family.
Sunday sailing, pending weather conditions, is available from May to August. There are Rescue boat placed on the water in case of difficulties, a beach-master to watch from shore, and OOD (Officer of the Day) to run a racecourse with as many races as possible, generally, 2 or 3. You don’t have to race, take your boat out under the cover and watch of club rescue, staying in the designated area. Adults too...
Friday evening sailing during the summer is a free sail, where the club encourages any member to take their boat out to practice or just have fun. A regular feature is the Bar-b-q where it was designed to be nourishment for the children between finishing the days course before Fun-sail, it has become a regular social gathering for all members. Neither of these sessions is limited to children, and indeed many older sailors avail of the opportunity.
Power-boat courses it is essential that a number of members have powerboat courses to enable the club to run the events, be it Friday, Sunday, Regatta etc. without these members, no sailing would happen. Have you thought about doing a power-boat course? One must be over 16 so this is certainly not aimed at the children on sailing courses.
First Aid courses the club tries to hold water based first-aid courses specifically aimed at the Sea requirements. This is necessary for some of our more senior dinghy sailors who intend to do sailing instruction but is a good course to have in general.
VHF courses This is a radio course, for those who may need to use marine two-way radio. It used to be a requirement for dinghy instructing but would be an essential course for those intending to take out larger boats. The club does run its own “mini-vhf” course intended to help members who are using them as beach-master or on rescue.
OOD guidance the club runs evenings to help members become familiar with how to run different sections of the club. OOD, beach-master etc. these “guidance” courses are intended to make members feel more familiar with the club and how it works and to get to know one another.
Cruiser Sailing: Have you thought about it? This is definitely for the older members. Get involved with cruiser sailing. Many of the larger boats will take crew to help them sail on Wednesday and Saturday races.
Wednesday Cruiser Racing is scheduled each Wednesday from 7.00pm (first gun) to navigate a short course “around the cans” (flags) finishing around 9.00pm
Saturday Cruiser racing Generally held at 2.00pm there are races and trophy events with the occasional two-day event to another club.
The club has a website where you can find out what is scheduled for the coming months. It is also an access point for membership and other items you may wish to organise. The club is also present on Facebook and Instagram which for those who use these, it is a great way of being kept informed of upcoming events notices. The club uses email and WhatsApp to inform and remind members during the season. The season is quite short, and we would urge members to make sure you are in receipt of communication and contact the club if you are not as you will be missing out on events.
So, who does run the club?
There are four trustees of the club. There is an elected committee of 11 who guide the club and decide on general requirements and organisation throughout the year. However, sailing unlike many other pastimes, requires a huge amount of effort from its members and to this extent, help to run the club is essential from the members, to keep the equipment in good order so that sailing happens. The answer to the very first question “What’s in it for you”, is lots. Speaking particularly to parents, if you are a new member, remember you too are part of the club, much enjoyment can be gained by joining the others on the beach to assist with launching, watching, rescuing, or even trying out sailing yourself. There are club BBQ from time to time (after Sunday races) and these are great social occasions. Even if you don't have a power-boat licence, each boat needs a second crewmember to assist. One person cannot rescue alone.
The club is here for you to enjoy. Help us to help you enjoy it.
Contact details
Club – mobile:- 089 494 1404
website: -
Commodore – Joe D’Arcy
Dinghy Officer – Mary Louise Doran
Cruiser Officer – Mark Chambers
It has been decided by the committee, in the interests of keeping tidy and neighbourly, not to permit the storeage of trailers or other debris, over the summer months in Cois na Mara.
It is important that the yard be kept clean and tidy and used for club use and the purposes of sailing.
As an ISA affiliated club, what data are we requesting and sharing with ISA?
- First Name
- Surname
- Email Address
- This is used as the ‘unique identifier’ on our database
- If someone does not have an email address (i.e. a junior), we can work around this.
- Membership Category
- To link with your Club Affiliation Form
- Date of Birth
- Age profile is regularly requested for evidence based data.
- Gender
- Gender breakdown is regularly requested for evidence based data.
Irish Sailing’s Promise
- This will be both easy and simple for your club.
- We will provide you with a simple template for data collection and provide support as needed.
- All data will continue to be secured and protected on our database.
- No breach of GDPR
- As the NGB, we fall under the “Joint Data Controller” agreement of data that Category 1 Clubs collect.
- Data will not be used for promotion of our services
- i.e. we will not be using email addresses you provide to contact your members about courses or newsletter.
- This is a two-way partnership and will benefit your club
- Irish Sailing will share the insights from the data we collect with your club.