The following are the Clubs guidelines adopted to assist the OOD in his/her duties.
Weather Forecast - Check Weather forecast before making any decisions. A check of current and future tidal conditions is also advisable.
- Racing should be postponed if the winds are forecast to rise above force 6, during the expected period of racing.
- In the event of cancellation all competitors must be advised, and details recorded in the OOD log book.
- In the event of cancellation, no rescue boats should be launched except in a genuine emergency.
- If fog is forecast, dinghy racing should be cancelled, and cruisers should be advised of the forecast.
Brief all rescue crews before they go afloat.
Advice on whether an individual should participate may be given (without prejudice), to anyone you feel is either unequipped, or does not have sufficient experience to cope with the conditions forecast or not fit to go on the water ie under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Should an individual be advised not to go afloat details should be recorded in the OOD log book.